It’s not my usual choice of genre but Liam Neeson is always a good reason to watch something out of your comfort zone. Based on a novel by Lawrence Block, adapted for screenplay and directed by Scott Frank. A walk among the Tombstones takes you to a very dark place as crime thrillers go. Liam Neeson plays Matt Scudder a fallen cop. It
opens with a flashback involving a hazy bar and alcohol followed by mindless
shooting. The liquor and smoke paints a picture of a hard ass tough guy for some
but all I could see was impairment.
Retired cops often fall into the role of private investigater,
at least that’s what I remember from television. The film itself was set in the 90s so limited
technology by today’s standards, sets the scene for an old style film. Unsavoury characters come together, well the whole damn story was unsavoury. Lots of heavy rain creates the feel of danger lurking in more than one scene. Liam gets caught up investigating a kidnapping and murder for some guy who’s own shady background stops him from going to the police.. It's full of weirdoes and Psychos.
You get the impression at first that Matt Scudder is a hardened hero (may be just coz
it’s Liam) but unfolding within the story you find vulnerability and by the end
you realise he is a bit of a loser trying to establish his own self worth. He
attracts a kind of back up crew all with similar issues.
Trust me it isn't a film for the squeamish. I hid behind my
hands peeking through barely open fingers at some scenes.
This was an edge of the seat experience with a few turns and
twists, nothing too surprising but well knitted together.
There was no room for humour in this tale although some of
the characters were potentially comical. I laughed twice much to the annoyance
of the silent audience.
A strong plot, corrupt villains and a horrific ending. If you like a bit of violence, I recommend.