Monday, 1 December 2014

Interstellar Movie -

Christopher Nolan's gripping apocalyptic scenario presented with a credible hero on dangerous paradoxical adventure.

Although this film is set a long way into the future, it gives the appearance of taking place in the 1960's or 70s. We see the decline of science and technology and human beings have gone back to the simplicity of farming life. It is apparent that disaster and famine struck at some point. Atmospheric changes occurred causing dust storms and there is nothing left to eat but corn which is also decreasing slowly. Youngsters are discouraged to learn about science, since history has revealed it to be the road to disaster. Text books have been altered, denying the Apollo moon landings ever really happened, putting them down to propaganda and conspiracy of the Cold War. Planet Earth will only sustain one more generation as it rapidly ceases to be habitable.

Cooper, (Matthew McConaughey) an ex science engineer and pilot now survives on his farm with Donald (John Lithgo) the father of his deceased wife and his son Tom and daughter Murph. Paranormal activity leads him to Professor Brand (Michael Caine) of NASA who operate in hiding as the people of America strongly disapprove of funds being wasted on space science. (nothing new there) He ends up agreeing to risk everything much to the dismay of Murph, to lead the crew of the spaceship Endurance including the professors daughter ( Anne Hathaway) on mankind's next big step. They intend to rescue a previous crew, Lazarus who have landed and survived on another galaxy and to go in search of a habitable planet.

In order to reach their destination, they have to go through a worm hole that appears to have been deliberately placed in space by beings who are guiding us. The possible inhabitable planets are close to Saturn but also dangerously close to a black hole.

Time becomes as precious a resource  as fuel.  It is passing much quicker for the people left on earth than it is for Cooper and Brand. It is paramount to complete the mission and return home before there is no one left to return home to.

The film is full twists and leaps keeping you on edge. It is a long one at over three hours with a lot of sciency space jargon. It's not what I'd describe as light entertainment so be prepared to concentrate .

Tom and Murph have grown up

Watch the trailer below

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